Become a Prime Time ELO in 2022

Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc. is seeking qualified organizations to provide high-quality expanded learning opportunities for out-of-school time programs or to deliver train-the-trainer sessions for practitioners serving school-age children and youth in out-of-school time programs in Palm Beach County, Florida. Promoting equity and diversity are important tenets of Prime Time’s core values.  To that end, we seek providers that employ culturally competent professionals, who understand that supporting the positive growth and development of children and youth requires providing what they need when they need it. Providers that embrace equity and diversity and inclusion, allow all children and youth to develop to their full potential.

Questions and Answers

RFP Mandatory Meeting (2/24/22)

Q: You mentioned summer break. What about winter and spring break? 

A: Those are also viable options; not every OST (out-of-school time) program has children during that time, but if they do, you are allowed to serve them during that time. 


Q: Does the portal indicate the word count limit? 

A: It does for the program summary only. 3,000 is the maximum character limit. 


Q: Is there a specific age range that we need to focus on? 

A: Prime Time’s primary focus through funding from the Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County (CSC) is kindergarten through fifth grade. We also serve some middle school youth through another funder, Palm Beach County Youth Services Department. This RFP is specifically for CSC funded ELOs.  


Q: Do you have a maximum number of youth in a session? 

A: The maximum number is 25. 


Q: Can you submit more than one proposal? 

A: Yes. 


Q: If our program begins in August, how does that work with the Prime Time fiscal year? 

A: Your program would start on 2022, and go through September 30, 2023.  


Q: What if a program session doesn’t meet the minimum of 15 students? 

A: The ELO provider reserves the right to cancel and reschedule until the OST meets the minimum amount of required children, in this case: 15. Building relationships with the site directors and staff helps make communication easier and could potentially avoid this problem. 


Q: My program is a combination of in-person and virtual, for the family engagement component. Is this viable? 

A: As we move forward, sessions are required to be in-person. If you have a virtual component, you can supplement your program to make it even better to engage the families, but it won’t count as a billable session. They will work together and supplement each other. Only in-person sessions will be billable. 


Q: Should we be approved; can we start this summer (2022)? 

A: No. If you are approved, you will be notified in early July 2022, and implementation will begin on October 1, 2022. Onboarding will happen between July and October 2022. 


Q: Are there guidelines for how much the RFP application can be similar/different from a program currently being delivered or was delivered in the past? 

A: If you have a great program with great results, I suggest you do what you do best. There is not a requirement for you to reinvent a program.  


Q: Can the letters of recommendation be from parents? 

A: If parents can speak to the quality of your program and have received your services, yes. 


Q: I saw this paragraph on your website: For-profit entities must provide proof of liability insurance as well as written assurance that no profits will be realized as a result of a contract based on the proposal submitted in response to this. We are a profit organization. Does it mean we would not get paid for services we provide (if we get accepted for the year 2022-23)? 

A: Yes, you will be paid for the services you provide if you receive a contract with this RFP; however, you cannot build a profit into the budget of what services you are providing. 


Q: Where in the portal do people submit a recommendation letter? 

A: This is found in section #11 in the Survey Monkey Apply portal. The section is titled: Optional: Request for Recommendations. 


Q: What if we have a second staff member? Can we then go over the 25 maximum youth limit? 

A: Yes. If you have built into your project design that you have more than one facilitator, the ratios can be adjusted. You must also consider space. For example, if your program happens in a gymnasium, that is very different from 50 kids in a classroom. Everything will have to connect with the project design. 


Q: If we have a separate program for a “camp” program that is different than our main program, should we submit two separate proposals to describe them, or should we include them all in the same proposal? 

A: It depends. If the content is significantly different-different formats, different content, then yes. If they are very similar and the only difference is the time or dosage, then no. An example is presenting sessions back-to-back in the summer versus weekly during the school year. If that is the only determining factor, then combine them into one proposal.  


Q: We are a for-profit company. For years we have provided pottery and canvas painting projects to some OST sites and many non-OST sites. We have had many groups ask us if we are an ELO. If we can become an ELO, can we provide free programs to out-of-school time groups? 

A: No. This model is a subcontract, and it has a cost associated with it. There may be other ways to partner that we can explore, but for this particular RFP, it is solely for implementing an ELO for reimbursement. 


Q: How many projects will be awarded a grant? 

A: We don’t have a defining number. We take in all the proposals, they are scored by an external review board, and we get recommendations that we present to our board. 


Q: Is there a minimum number of sessions required for each site? 

A: No. However, sessions work together in a sequence. So, each one-hour long segment is a session. Now, your program might take six sessions (for example) to be one complete learning module, but it could be more or less than that number. 


Q: Is it possible to see an approved RFP from previous years? 

A: No. It is not Prime Time’s current practice to provide an approved RFP document.  


Q: Are we being compensated per student with a flat fee for the class (fee is the same for 15-25 students) 

A: We reimburse per session cost and not per youth. 


Q: Is it possible to charge extra for programs that include consumables? 

A: The budget proposal should include the cost of anticipated program supplies or consumables.  The session cost will be set based on the total cost to deliver the proposed program.  


Q: Is there a limit to how many proposals we can submit? 

A: No. 


Q: Can we bill for more than one facilitator for 15-25 children? In our existing model, we have a 1 to 6 ratio. 

A:  The budget proposal should include the cost of anticipated facilitators to deliver the proposed program.  If it is part of the model to require 2-4 staff members, excluding the OST practitioner in attendance, then this should be fully explained in the budget narrative. 


Q: Must sessions be weekly? 

A: There are no parameters that it must be weekly. It all goes back to your project design. You know your project better than anyone else. You are the expert in the given area, so if you think that the dosage should be weekly, write that into your project design. If you think that two days per week makes more sense for your project model, include that into your design. 


Q: Does the RFP mention the total funding available? 

A: The total funding for this RFP has not been allocated at this time.  It is anticipated that it will be at least $3.2 million. 


Q: Does your program have to exist for a minimum amount of time to be considered? 

A: This is a multi-level question. There are basic administrative requirements that you must meet. Those are in the first section when you go into the portal. If you meet those minimum administrative requirements, then you are eligible to apply. 


Q: Could there be any exception for the 15 minimum in a session for single-gender programming? 

A: To be consistent, the RFP programmatic model requires that the proposal be made to accommodate a minimum of 15 youth per session. 


Q: What if we do NOT have a board in our company? Is that a requirement? 

A: If you are a non-profit entity, you should have a board of directors. You may or may not have a board if you are a for-profit entity. 


Q: I may have misunderstood something – is there a minimum of six sessions per program or was that an example. Ours is five sessions.  

A: That was just an example. 


Q: Are there any other programming opportunities outside this RFP? 

A: As the director of community partnerships, I am always looking for ways to partner with other people. The short answer is yes. There are available opportunities to partner that don’t include funding. 


Q: How many collaborators can you have on the application? (In the portal) 

A: There is no limit to the number of collaborators you can add to the application. 


Q: Would services only be provided for programs who request or all programs? 

A: Service provided to the sites is based on a list that we have generated and continuously expanded. It is an approved site list vetted by Prime Time. 


Q: Is a full audit required, or what financial documents can be submitted in place of them? 

A: A full audit is not required.  Per the RFP requirements, “Copy of independent audit reports with a management letter, letter from a financial accounting firm, a board signed letter with the most recent approved financial statements and/or a Form 990 for the previous fiscal year.” 


Q: What questions are asked in the recommendation? 

A: There are no specific questions or a template for recommenders. They will receive an email from you requesting a letter of recommendation for your program, and they will be able to upload a file to the portal. 


Q: Do we add ourselves (education director) to the staff list even if we are not teaching? 

A: If a programmatic position is involved in the proposed project delivery, yes.  It can be included in the direct costs budget.   


Q: Is there a PDF of the questions so that I can draft them in word and copy and paste them to the portal? 

A: No. Currently there is not a PDF with the questions.  


Q: Can you save your progress as you go, or does it have to be completed all simultaneously? 

A: Yes, you can save the progress of your application and come back to it later. 


Q: Are there any particular web browsers recommended/not recommended for portal use? 

A: Generally speaking, we recommend Chrome as the browser of choice for Survey Monkey Apply.   


Q: Is there a PDF of general questions for RFP? 

A: All the questions that have been asked will be posted on our Prime Time website every Thursday each week until the submission deadline. There is not currently a PDF form.  


Q: For the narrative question, there is a question about need, but no place to answer. Do the numbers following 1a,1b etc., answer that question? 

A: Yes. You need to first respond yes or no to see the box to enter the follow-up response. 


Q: Are there character limits or word counts for the sections under need? 

A: The program summary is the only section that provides a maximum of 3,000 characters.  


Q: So, the summary is the scope, correct? 

A: The program summary includes your scope of work, including the numbers of participants, sessions, etc., and the anticipated outcomes or impact of the proposed offering. 


Q: Prime Time provides support to ELOs. Are Prime Time’s expenses included in that allocation from CSC? 

A: No, they are not. 


Q: Is the RFP budget spreadsheet available for us to download? 

A: Yes. It is in the portal in the budget section. 


Q: How can we submit an RFP budget when the number of children to serve is unknown at this time. It is a critical piece of data since we have a heavy material cost per child project. Also, with delivery fees, if we do not know what sites to be served, how can we make those calculations. 

A: You want to assume that you will be serving an average of 17 to 19. If you are a new ELO, the first year, through monitoring, we are going to get clarity if the cost is fair and reasonable. We want to be fair and reasonable. The budget should be built on the assumptions you best know that reflect your program. 


Q: Please explain what goes into the workers compensation line under personnel. Is that the premium we pay? Or is that if we anticipate paying out WC to staff? 

A: The WC insurance for staff premium cost for the staff included in the program budget should be included in the spreadsheet.  


Q: Where can we get a copy of the approved sites? Would that include the average number of youth? 

A: The approved sites list is for ELO providers only, so you will have access to it if you become an ELO provider. 


Q: Does travel/transportation include costs for transporting students to our site or just mileage for us going to OST sites? Both? 

A: If part of your programmatic delivery is that children come to your site at the sixth session and you think that is something that you should include, please do.   


Q: Please post the insurance requirements again. 

A: All the requirements are listed in the portal. 


Q: If we use program supplies donated (reusable/recyclable items) and key to our program, but normally would generate revenue through distribution (Materials Marketplace), can we itemize these costs in our program budget per student? 

A: This answer is pending.  


Q: Regarding the youth experience numbers. If we do a program with 15 participants for six weeks is that considered 15 youth experiences or 90 youth experiences? 

A: That is considered 90 youth experiences. 


Q: How do we factor in indirect expenses into a session cost such as (secretary, rent, regional site director)? 

A: There is a portion in the spreadsheet for indirect cost allocations. 


Q: To make sure I understand, I know that session is defined as a 1-2 hour class. What is a program defined as the full six weeks cycle? 

A: A program is defined as the completion of the learning modules. Each learning module is the number of sessions in a program cycle. 


Q: Are financial stipends or gifts to attendees permitted in the budget? 

A: If that is part of your program delivery, yes, you should include that in your budget. 


Q: If we become an ELO and have our own site, will that be an approved site? 

A: You cannot serve your site with your ELO. 


Q: Can you do outreach sessions only? Not having a site. 

A: As an ELO, you don’t have to have a physical site. You would deliver your services to OST sites. You don’t have to have a physical location. 


Q: An ELO’s site can’t be an approved ELO site; can another site come to an ELOs site, and it is an approved session? 

A: By definition, an ELO is not a site. An ELO is the experience you give to children and youth at a site. If you are an approved Prime Time site, you can have ELOs at your program, but if for some reason you are an ELO provider and you also have an OST site, you cannot serve your OST site with your ELO.  


Q: Will we be able to see the recording of the budget workshop? 

A: The materials from the budget workshop are posted on our website in the RFP section.  


Q: Where can we find a link to download the budget spreadsheet? 

A: The link is in the portal. 


Question: We need to know if this time you continue to require providers to a commit to render their services on a non-profit format. 

Answer: For-profit entities must provide proof of liability insurance as well as written assurance that no profits will be realized as a result of a contract based on the proposal submitted in response to this RFP.


Research Orientation & Budget Tutorial (3/1/2022) & Emailed (on or Before 3/4/2022) 

Q: Will the presentations from these meetings be available to download somewhere to access the links? 

A: The PowerPoint presentations that contain the links are available here on our website.  


Q: Were PQA assessments completed during COVID-19? If so, how can we get a copy? 

A: During the last fiscal year, during COVID-19, all current ELOs were assessed using an exploratory tool, a modification of the PBCPQA. You should have been provided with that report. If you have not, we will be happy to provide that to you. 


Q: Is there an indirect cost max percentage–a ratio of program budget to organization budget you are looking for? 

A: No, there is no ratio of program budget to organizational budget preferences. The maximum is 15% for indirect allowance and is based on the program budget. 


Q: Organizational budget: should the amount requested from Prime Time be included? 

A: The overall organizational budget information should not assume that the grant is rewarded.  

Please provide the overall budget information considering the organization as it is currently. 


Q: Is there a percentage of the total operating budget that should be the threshold for an organization to consider? 

A: No, there is no percentage of the total operating budget threshold. 


Q: Looks like the minimum is going back up to 15 kids per session for next fiscal year? 

A: Yes, this is correct 


Q: If we have already downloaded the spreadsheet, will the number that was corrected be in a revised spreadsheet so that we would need to download it again.  

A: Yes, the correct spreadsheet is available on the portal 


Q: Is there a spreadsheet specific to the TOT model? 

A: No. The TOT model will have a similar session cost analysis and the programmatic narrative that requires development using the session cost model. 


Q: What if the organization has high material costs per youth? 

A: When identifying program supplies in the budget narrative, explain the reason and identify the factors for the high material cost per youth.  

Here is a link for information on how to ensure the narrative conveys the important information regarding the program costs:  



Q: Should an organization plan with 20 youth per session in mind? 

A: It is recommended that you use 17 or 18 youth in your analysis; however, a calculation can go as high as 20. When the grants are awarded, Prime Time will be monitoring the first quarter to ensure the program meets the set targets. The costs should be fair and reasonable and correlate to the costs defined in the budget. If there is a variance, it will be reviewed with the program provider.  


Q: So “experiences” is not related to a module? Instead, each individual session? 

A: Yes, that is correct. “Experiences” is one child in one session times the number of youths in that session is the number experiences of that session. The module is what the program is delivering. The variance can be between five and thirteen. 


Q: During the contract year, will it be possible to file a budget amendment if an award is made? 

A: Yes, if the grant is awarded, organizations will be allowed to file a budget amendment to move monies within the existing allocation. Additional monies will not be provided for possible issues that arise.  


Q: Do we need to have a local center in Palm Beach to apply to provide services? 

A: No, you do not need to have a physical building in Palm Beach County to provide services. It is anticipated that the services will be provided at OST (out-of-school time) sites. It is also expected that services are provided to all areas of Palm Beach County, and not solely one area.  


Q: What type of financial statements are expected for for-profit organizations? 

A: When a for-profit organization is submitting financial statements, it is not expected that the overall profit margin to be shared. Prime Time does expect the company to show complete transparency for the program budget. However, Prime Time expects that no profit will be made from the program. The budget and the narrative should clearly show this information. If you have a board of directors, as some for-profits do, Prime Time does expect something from a board member saying that the company knows the program is being done on a nonprofit basis. 


Q: We offer over 20 different STEAM solutions. Similar prices per lesson. Do we need to complete a proposal for each program or have a selection of programs for your sites to choose from? 

A: You will identify those individual STEAM programs in the program narrative but build a budget for one session cost. If the programs differed greatly in cost, you may consider completing more than one application. 

Once you become an ELO provider, we would provide you with an approved site list. As an ELO provider, you would either reach out to sites or interested sites can reach out to you.  


Q: As a small organization under $300,000 that can increase its capacity to serve more youth, if we ask for $125,000, will there be a negotiation process after the RFP is submitted to reduce the request to $50,000 or $75,000? Some funding is better than none. 

A: Yes. It is not guaranteed that a selected program will receive the total amount proposed. A negotiation process will take place once the recommendations are made by our external reviewers and after our board votes in June.  


Q: Will we receive scores/results of our proposal as it relates to the award, so we know how to make it stronger for future RFPs 

A: You can reach out to us directly and request to see your scores, and we can share them with you.  


Q: Is the 3 million annual allocation for 20 ELO programs over three years, or is it each year? 

A: The allocation is for each year. 


Q: What is needed if the organization is not issued a management letter? 

A: If the organization does not have a management letter, it is important to have a letter from the auditor indicating there is no management letter. 


Q: The organization’s financial statements should be based on a fiscal year. Is the most recent financial period as of Feb 28, 2022? Or the first quarter? 

A: If you are a small organization without an audit, Prime Time asks for the most recent financials reviewed by the board of directors. A year-old financial report that is not an audit is not acceptable. 


Q: So, if we have an audit, you would like the 990 as well? 

A: Yes, you should provide both.  


Q: This RFP is for three years beginning Oct 2022, is that correct? 

A: Yes. That is correct. 


Q: So, the budget should be for the amount needed for three years? 

A: No, the budget for the proposal is for your first year.  



Q: Our programming is “place-based,” meaning our instruction and activities are inextricably connected to the location. Is there a list of currently approved sites to tailor program plans to the site locations? 

A: Our model includes serving OST sites by delivering ELOs at the site. However, you may build into your program a culmination experience that can happen at your respective site. Transportation is often a barrier, especially for the sites we serve, so it’s essential to consider that in your budget and include transportation costs. 


Q: Questions 5a and 5b seem very similar. Should we respond to 5a with benefits other than social-emotional skills? Or could the team please clarify what types of benefits should be included in 5a? 

A: 5a is asking for general outcomes or benefits that may or may not be SEL related. 5b is specifically asking for SEL skills that are anticipated as a result of youth participating in the program. 


Q: I will be working on your RFP. Would it be possible for me to get an actual copy of the RFP so I can begin to segment parts and address your budgetary requirements? Please advise. Thank you. 

A: Our portal is the sole way to get RFP information and documentation needed. You can, however, be added as a collaborator so that you can access everything available. 


Q: We have a few questions regarding the RFP and program design. Can an ELO serve a particular site and group of children more than once/year? For example, if the modules are six sessions, and a group of children completes those six sessions, could the ELO go back later in the year to complete another module with six different sessions? 

Is it required that sessions be presented within a module, or could scheduling allow individual sessions at a site? 

A: With so many afterschool sites available, many of which have never experienced an ELO, it is expected that ELO providers ensure they are expanding and reaching new sites. In the circumstance where the ELO provider has openings after their waitlists are cleared and have done their due diligence in reaching out to new sites, an ELO can be provided to a repeat site.  


RFP – Q&A Emailed between 3/5/22 and 3/16/22 


Q: What is the preferred length in terms of weeks for Prime Time? Nexplore can adjust to any a series of (6-12) sessions and offer individual sites the options. What is the best way to present this in the budget?  

A: There is no preferred session length. The length of a learning module (a series of sessions) depends on the program. To give you an idea, we have a range of 5-20 sessions per learning module for our current ELOs.  

You would identify the number of sessions on line 88 on the budget spreadsheet. 


Q: Our budget categories will only include instructors and supplies. We agree with the 15% indirect you will allocate. How is this expressed in the budget form? How can I fit this into your budget form?   

A: When preparing the budget for the RFP submission, the budget template must be used.   

Any programmatic providers, instructors, etc., would be calculated at staff or professional fees. The cost outline must be provided in the budget and clearly defined in the budget narrative.  

The program supplies must be clearly defined and provided in the budget template and budget narrative.  

The indirect costs must be outlined in the budget template, and the percentage calculation is based on the fiscal information provided.  


Q: We would like to submit two proposals. I tried to create another survey monkey application, but it’s not allowing me to. How do we go about completing and submitting the second application?  

A: You should now be able to add an additional application.  


Q: What ages are we focused on?    

A: For this RFP, Prime Time’s focus is on elementary school-age children in grades kindergarten through fifth grade.  


Q: Are this proposal and budget intended to cover 12 months or just the summer months? If so, please provide the exact time frame.  

A: The budget document is to provide the costs for the period of the program for the fiscal period of 10/1/2022 to 9/30/2023.  


Q: Please tell me where to upload the IRS determination letter.   

A: The IRS determination letter can be uploaded in the Financial Statements or Written Assurance section in the portal.  


Q: Once we have made requests for the three recommendation requests, do we mark that section complete? Or do we wait for the “0 recommendations” at the bottom to show that the recommendations have been received in the portal?  

A: You do not have to wait for the recommendations to be completed before submitting the proposal. If the recommendations are received before the deadline, but after you submit, they will be uploaded to your file.  


Q: Where is the following information provided: “What percentage of the overall budget is this proposal?”   

A: The percentage is provided as item 6C of the portal submission. It is not necessarily reflected in the budget template.  


Q: Where can I locate the updated questions on the site?    

A: The next set of questions (received between 3/5/22 and 3/16/2022) will be posted on our website on Thursday, March 17. The due date for the applications is Friday, March 18, no later than 5:00 p.m.  


Q: How many out-of-school time practitioners are at each site?  

A: The number of practitioners depends on the size and the structure of the site.   


Q: If we are looking to provide a train-the-trainer session as part of our program, how many practitioners would be available for this opportunity per site?   

A: The minimum number for a train-the-trainer session is 15. If a site does not meet the minimum number, sites may be combined to achieve the minimum number.  


Q: Would it be permissible to provide a train-the-trainer session to as little as one practitioner to ensure that the program is carried out with fidelity following ELO trainings?  

A: This would be categorized as a coaching session and can also be built into your program. For example, you may train 15 practitioners at once, and then provide one-on-one coaching to each of them separately.  


Q: Please explain what goes into the worker’s compensation line under personnel. Is that the premium we pay? Or is that if we anticipate paying out worker’s compensation to staff?    

A: The worker’s compensation insurance for staff premium cost for the staff included in the program budget should be included in the spreadsheet.     


Q: However, my follow-up question is, what if your facilitators are 1099 contractors, then worker’s compensation would not be necessary, correct? Only for staff? And what if we are a staff of one? Do we still need worker’s compensation for that one?  If the program facilitators are 1099 contractors, is worker’s compensation insurance required?  

A: Worker’s compensation insurance can be for employees and independent contractors. Please consult the State of Florida guidelines to determine what is appropriate for an organization: 


Q: For the RFP, is the Budget Narrative a separate document that needs to be uploaded or is this to be included in the notes section in the actual budget document? 

A: The budget narrative is completed by adding descriptions for each item in the notes section of the budget spreadsheet.  


Q: Do I need to wait for the recommendation letters to be completed in order to submit the full RFP or will the recommendations still attach to the application after I submit? 

A: The recommendation letters will be uploaded if they are received after you submit the proposal, but before the deadline.  


Q: Are you requesting job descriptions to be uploaded or is just a brief description required? Based on the space allotted within the application, it seems like there is only space for a brief overview of each position. 

A: Please provide a description in the space allotted.  



RFP Research Orientation Presentation Budget Workshop Presentation


Luisa Vincent

Community Partnerships Specialist