Bringing Yourself to Work

Bringing Yourself to Work

On Saturday, May 12, 2018, Bringing Yourself to Work training was facilitated at two


school sites concurrently – Pahokee Elementary and Diamond View Elementary. Participants included principals, assistant principals, guidance counselors, single-school culture coordinators, teachers, out-of-school time (OST) practitioners, janitors, cafeteria workers, and staff to name a few. The training covered three distinct areas: self-awareness, relational aptitude and group dynamics. Participants showed an overwhelming appreciation for the opportunity to reflect, give an introspective eye to each area and to use that information to strategize ways of improving the climate and culture at each campus. Every participant set personal goals for improvement with regard to his/her own social and emotional skill-development and each site created goals that they wanted to work toward to improve the overall school climate. This is just the beginning in our efforts to help shape, improve and practice adult SEL skills; we are off to a very promising start!