Restorative Practices in OST Training Series Promotes Equity of Voice and Belonging for Youth, Staff and Families

Restorative Practices in OST Training Series  Promotes Equity of Voice and Belonging for Youth, Staff and Families

Prime Time Palm Beach County is now offering Restorative Practices in OST, a three-part training series where out-of-school time (OST) professionals are invited to learn how to create a culture of care through a structured process that supports all youth to have an equal voice while developing social and emotional skills.

The goal of this training series and cohort model will be for OST programs to move towards becoming more restorative in their discipline practices through implementing a plan that involves all stakeholders. Learn how to shift the climate and culture of your program in a sustainable way to promote authentic dialogue, equity of voice, and a true sense of belonging for youth, staff and families.

80% of training participants reported that the training series had a strong impact on the youth they served and that they feel equipped to guide their youth through a problem-solving circle and implement a community building circle.

In the video below, hear from afterschool practitioners who discuss the impact the training series has had on them and the youth in their programs.