Elevated OST Standards and Expectations Requires Continued Support and Training

Elevated OST Standards and Expectations Requires Continued Support and Training

Prime Time Palm Beach County increased our expectations for programs this year with a revised Palm Beach County Program Quality Assessment tool that incorporates additional and elevated positive youth development skills specifically focused on life skills our youth need.  When launching a revised tool, training and coaching is essential for programs to have success.  At Prime Time, we strive to be there for each practitioner with just those supports. Afterschool Practitioner Jorge Paseta from Martin County Parks and Recreation sent us a letter stating just that.

Thank you for all you hard work through Prime Time. Over the last 5 years, Prime Time has helped the JASE program become a successful after school program in Martin County. We are thankful for the variety of trainings offered, yearly actions plans and multiple site visits. The Prime Time training courses are a great tool for our staff to learn new skills and network with different companies. The yearly action plans have helped our leaders have a proper direction to achieve the programs goals. Throughout the years, everyone has enjoyed your visits and we are thankful to have you as our project manager.
We are thankful for the Children’s Service Council to have partnered up with Prime Time and provide their amazing services to all our afterschool programs.  We look forward to our journey continuing with Prime Time and improving as an afterschool program. - Jorge Paseta, Afterschool Practitioner, Martin County Parks and Recreation