CEUs, Certificates and Transcripts
Prime Time is now offering out-of-school time practitioners in Palm Beach County IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs) through its professional development training offerings. IACET-accredited providers are the only organizations approved to offer IACET CEUs. The accreditation period extends for five years, and includes all programs offered or created during that time. A CEU is designed to provide a standard unit of measurement for continuing education and training and ensures that learning standards are in place.
Below are frequently asked questions and answers regarding Prime Time’s new offering.
What is an IACET CEU?
- IACET is an acronym for International Association for Continuing Education and Training.
- CEU is an acronym for Continuing Education Unit.
- The IACET CEU ensures that learning standards are in place.
Can any organization award CEUs?
No, only accredited providers who are approved by the IACET commission are allowed to award IACET CEUs.
Who is eligible to receive CEUs through Prime Time?
Out-of-school time staff in Palm Beach County
Do I need to earn CEUs and how many do I need?
- Out-of-school time practitioners with a Staff Credential or a Director Credential will need CEUs to renew their credential.
- For the Staff Credential and Director Credential, 4.5 CEUs must be earned for each credential (cannot use the same trainings for both) within five years of the date the specific credential was received in order to renew the credential.
- Staff can apply the CEUs toward one of the renewals not both. For instance, if a practitioner is due for Staff and Director Credential renewal. Then the individual will need to obtain 4.5 CEUs for each renewal, a total of nine CEUs to complete the process.
- Staff who have licenses or certifications in other fields such as education or human services are strongly encouraged to check with their specific regulatory boards, employees or other agencies to confirm that courses taken from IACET Accredited Providers and courses taken for IACET CEUs will be accepted by that entity.
What are the benefits of obtaining CEUs through Prime Time?
- As an IACET Accredited Provider, Prime Time’s training adheres to the American National Standards Institute/Intenational Association for Continuing Education and Training (ANSI/IACET). Prime Time’s professional development policies and processes have met all 10 elements of the ANSI/IACET Standard.
- Accreditation gives the learner confidence in Prime Time’s training sessions.
- The IACET CEU assures employers, credentialing associations, licensing bodies and others that a learner has completed a quality training program that meets the ANSI/IACET Standard for Continuing Education and Training.
- The Florida Department of Children & Families (DCF) will accept CEUs for trainings offered by organizations accredited by IACET (Prime Time is an IACET accredited provider).
What is the difference between training hours and number of CEUs?
- Training hours are the number of hours you attend per training.
- The number of CEUs are based on a calculation of number of hours spent in the training and time spent preparing and submitting artifacts outside of training.
- 1 training hour = 0.1 CEU
How do I know how many CEUs I can earn for a training?
- If a training offers CEUs, the number of CEUs offered will be listed on the training registration form as well as on the training event webpage (click on the training name on Prime Time’s training calendar.)
- Click here to see a current list of Prime Time trainings offering CEUs.
How do I earn CEUs?
- In order to earn CEUs, learners should indicate if they are requesting CEUs on the training registration form at least two days prior to training start date.
- Learners must complete all assignments satisfactorily, attend all sessions of the training series, miss no more than 15 minutes of total training time, actively participate in the trainings with their video on and pass the post quiz with a score of 70% or higher.
Where will my earned CEUs be recorded?
- Number of CEUs earned will be listed on the learner’s training certificate after successful completion of the training sessions and all training requirements.
- All CEUs will be recorded and maintained in the learner’s Prime Time registry transcript.
- To get a copy of your transcript, go to https://prime-time-palm-beach-county.ghost.io/the-ost-professional/the-prime-time-out-of-school-time-registry/ and scroll to the bottom of the page.
More Information
Trainings Offering CEUs Request Transcript Training Participant Handbook Learner’s Record Privacy and Information Security Policy press releaseContact
Elisa Moro
Career Advisor and Registry Coach561-600-9528