Build Prosilience in Out-of-school Time

Build Prosilience in Out-of-school Time

A webcast released in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month in May

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month and Get Your Green On, Prime Time Palm Beach County and Adopt-a-Family of the Palm Beaches teamed up to bring Building Prosilience in Out-of-school Time webcast to out-of-school time professionals to learn how to respond to micro-challenges in any scenario.

Out-of-school time staff need our support now more than ever before.  Addressing burnout and supporting the well-being of our essential workers, and in turn the youth they serve, is front- of-mind for the out-of-school time field. Providers have indicated that it would be helpful to receive support on mitigating staff burnout, keeping teams engaged and inspired, and being better prepared to model resilience to youth when they face challenges.

The webcast explores the meaning and practice of prosilience, and how cultivating prosilience as a habit can help to improve how they respond to micro-challenges at work and in their personal lives, strengthening themselves and the youth with whom they serve.

What is prosilience? Prosilience as a daily practice that elevates our physical, mental and emotional well-being, our daily interactions and performance. We inevitably become more resilient when challenging events occur because we have built the muscle of relating proactively to flight, fight, freeze, and navigating our mind states and psychological and behavioral patterns with greater ease.

Watch Webcast Here

Webcast features Prime Time's Anton Spalding, Knellee Bistram, Luisa Vincent, Yolanda Adams and Adopt-a-Family of the Palm Beaches Daron Morse.


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