Prime Time Palm Beach County Celebrates Afterschool Professionals Who Make a Profound Difference in Young People's Lives

Prime Time Palm Beach County is celebrating Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week, April 22-26, 2024, along with the National AfterSchool Association, to recognize, appreciate and advocate for those who work with young people during out-of-school hours.

Prime Time Palm Beach County Celebrates Afterschool Professionals Who Make a Profound Difference in Young People's Lives

Boynton Beach, FL, April 23, 2024 – Prime Time Palm Beach County is celebrating Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week, April 22-26, 2024, along with the National AfterSchool Association, to recognize, appreciate and advocate for those who work with young people during out-of-school hours.

“Research shows that skilled and knowledgeable program staff are the backbone of program quality and are key to desired positive youth outcomes,” said Suzette Harvey, President/CEO, Prime Time Palm Beach County “We hope everyone joins us this week in celebrating afterschool professionals and then continues to advocate for job quality in support of these essential professionals throughout the year.

Why is it important to recognize Afterschool Professionals?

An estimated 7.8 million children participate in afterschool programs each year; for every child in an afterschool program, two more are waiting to get in. Every young person deserves quality afterschool experiences that positively impact their development. It takes skilled professionals to create these experiences. Because of the important role afterschool professionals play in kids’ lives, they deserve recognition and support!

What is Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week?

Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week is a time to recognize, appreciate and advocate for those who work with young people during out-of-school hours. The week is marked by celebrations, public relations, and advocacy efforts encouraging appreciation and support for afterschool professionals who make a profound difference in the lives of young people.

Who is an Afterschool Professional?

Afterschool Professionals are skilled individuals who work with children and youth in diverse school and community-based settings to provide various positive developmental relationships and experiences during out-of-school hours. Currently, in the US, an estimated 850,000 individuals are practicing members of the afterschool profession.
